Friday, January 26, 2018

Celebrating Harrison's 12th birthday!

Harrison's birthday was January 18th.  So hard to believe he's 12 already, almost a teenager!

He had lunch at Chick-fil-A with his mom.

They also celebrated with a beautiful cake at home.

Then our whole family and Randy's family celebrated at dinner the next night at D'Casa, his choice.

He did not want the singing or the pie in the face!  :(

With a birthday right after Christmas, he gets money and he's perfectly happy with that!

Cameron was chosen at school to be in a Paul Thorn music video that was being filmed at his school yesterday.  There were lots of kids chosen but he was so excited!  Heather was even in it.  Here's the group.

Cameron is on the third row directly up from the big pink LOVE ball on the right.  He has on the black pullover.  Heather is on the very end of the second to the last row on the left.  I'm sure that was a fun experience for all the kids.  The video is supposed to be ready to be seen in March.

We had a birthday celebration last Saturday night for our friend Peggy.  We all met for dinner at Harvey's, then back to our house for cake.

Always fun to celebrate with friends!

Happy weekend!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Christmas Brunch

I won't call it a pajama brunch this year since Cameron and I were the only ones that participated!  Unfortunately I got a call from Karen early Christmas morning that her family had a stomach bug and wouldn't be able to come.  We were sad but quite thankful that they didn't come and spread the love!

We had a nice brunch anyway with the usual casseroles, though we had way too much food!

The table is set and we are just waiting for everyone to arrive.

With just our family, we can all sit at the dining room table.

Then some pictures, of course!

Karen and her family didn't have such a nice Christmas, but she did send me these pictures that were taken on Christmas Eve before they got sick.

I love their pajamas!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Christmas Eve

Ben and Cameron spent Christmas Eve with us again this year.  We have a very easy menu of grilled steaks, baked potatoes and salad.

Here are my two cooks.

They were delicious!

A few pictures after dinner.

This is the first year Cam doesn't believe in Santa Clause.  It's kind of sad!  So no making of reindeer food!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Making a Gingerbread House with the Boys

A few days before Christmas the boys made a gingerbread house.  I bought the kit with the house already constructed and all they had to do was decorate.  Made it so much easier!

They were very proud of it!

Then they wanted to make cookies.  These pretzel treats are quick and easy so that's what we went with.

Plus they love them!

Wrapping presents for their mom and dad.

They are ready for Christmas at this point!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Catching Up!

I can't believe it's already the middle of January.  Usually January drags along but this month has flown by!  I'll try to catch up little by little, though these posts probably won't be in order.

Before Christmas I had another baking day with Emma Taylor and her friend Ellie.

Ready to bake!

Measuring and sifting.

Rolling dough into balls.

Topping with Kisses after baking.

End result!

On to Pretzel Treats.

What fun baking together!

Dinner at O'Charley's with our regular Thursday night group!  We've been having dinner every Thursday night with this group for as long as I can remember.  Good friends!

The kids were off school on Friday due to the weather.  We actually did get a tiny bit of snow but north of us just a little got quite a bit more than we did.  We were on our way home from Orlando on Friday so we were very thankful that the weather didn't get really bad.  When we left Orlando at 5:00 a.m. Friday morning, it was 70 degrees.  By the time we arrived home that afternoon, it was 28 here!  Wish we could have stayed in that warm weather much longer!