Friday, August 31, 2018

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Doug and I were just commenting that when you're retired you don't even realize there's a holiday!  When we worked, we loved having a long weekend!  We don't have any plans for Labor Day.  There's a car show in Tremont that Doug will probably go to.  I may skip it this year!

It's been a busy week.  Ben had a business trip to Minneapolis so we had Cameron and Trip for a few days.

They are such buddies!

Once September rolls around I am ready to put out my fall decorations!

I put my door hanger on yesterday.  I just couldn't wait!  Sure wish the weather was ready for fall!

Have a great holiday!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Barn Quilts!

Doug and I went to Columbus one day this week for a follow up with the dermatologist.  Our friends Danny and Diane live in Caledonia, which is just outside of Columbus.  There is a very nice quilt trail there.  After the appointment, Danny and Doug went to lunch together with some more friends and customers Doug used to call on, while Diane and I had lunch and hit the quilt trail.  This is actually the second time we've done the quilt trail because we only saw part of them last time even though we saw 43!  This time we saw 23.  I'm so thankful Diane knows her way around because some of them were tricky to find!

It's called the Buttahatchie Barn Quilt Trail and there's a very nice guide that Diane picked up at a flower shop in town.

There have been a lot more added since this brochure was printed.

These are some of my favorites from that day.

This one is on Hank's BBQ restaurant and it's called Getcha Some.

This one was just put up recently so I don't know the name of it but it's on a vet clinic.

This one too is quite new.  It's on a watermelon stand, which was open the last time we drove through but is closed for the season now.  It was originally put up and vandals ripped it off and took it so another one was made.  Sad that someone would do that!

 This one says Dowdle Farm on top and since 1826 8 generations on the bottom.

This one was on an animal sanctuary.

This one is called Eternity Quilt.  I had to practically go onto someone's porch to get this picture!  Doesn't that swing bed look inviting?

This barn had two quilts Patriotic Ohio Star and Star Spangled.

This one is Crazy Chicken Lady, one of my favorites!

Two quilts on this one too, Independence Day and D-Day.  The property was fenced off so I couldn't get a closer picture so the D-Day is especially hard to see.

 This one is called Heavenly Stars.

This one was on a picnic shelter/out building with a little Methodist church and is called Brush Arbor Meeting.

This one is called Amish Card Tricks.

This one is Stars and Stripes.

I didn't find this one in the brochure.  Some of these we just happened to drive by.  They are probably relatively new.

This one, as you can see, is on an equipment shed.

There are still many more that I haven't seen yet so I expect to be making another trip to see Danny and Diane!

Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Cameron Got Glasses!

Cameron got new glasses last week.

He looks quite smart in them!  Hopefully he will keep up with them.  He lost his last pair!

He went to his first middle school dance last Friday night.

He is with his friend/neighbor Savannah whose mother was a chaperone.

Here he is with some friends.

Ben said he had a ball!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Celebrating Kathy's 60th Birthday

My niece Kathy turns 60 on September 5th.  Her mom wanted to surprise her so she had her surprise party a little early so Kathy wouldn't be suspicious.  Carolyn really pulled it off as Kathy was very surprised!

She was so surprised to see her cousin Sheila, my brother's daughter, who recently moved to the Atlanta area.  Her husband Doug was also there.

Kathy's brother Rick and his wife Lori.

Carolyn and Max with Max's sister.

Kathy's son Jonathan and his girlfriend Jourdan.

Kathy's nephew Lincoln (Rick's son) and his girlfriend Anna.

Kathy and her boyfriend Terry.  Terry had quite a job getting Kathy there but he also pulled it off!

Karen, Ronald and Luke.

My family.  Cameron had his first fall baseball tournament that day so they didn't get to come.

Kaydee, Darby, Matt, Courtney and the back of Duncan's head!

Kaydee and Darby.  Doug in the background.

Darby is quite a cake eater!

Karen and Kathy.  Kathy is a year older than Kathy and they've always been very close.

Kathy is quite an Alabama fan...but I won't hold that against her!

This beautiful church has an opening in the back for a little light which lights up the stained glass in the windows.  It's beautiful!

The girl cousins.

Kathy and Rick.

My family with Kathy.  Harrison looks squished!

It was a really fun party and so nice honoring Kathy.  She is always doing things for other people so it was nice that she was honored.  She got some beautiful gifts and nice gift cards that I'm sure she will enjoy using.