Wednesday, February 6, 2019

House showings

The house has been on the market for a week and already I'm tired of having people traipse through it.  (I had to explain to Ben and Cam what traipse meant!)  Anyway, we have shown it almost every day, sometimes twice a day, and sometimes with 20 minutes notice!  Yesterday was a realtor open house and there were 19 realtors traipsing through the house.  It feels like such an invasion of privacy!  The realtors all said my house was very least that's something!

We have had two couples come back twice so maybe that's a good sign.  Then there are times that I think "what are we doing?"  Praying we are doing the right thing!

It's 75 outside this afternoon.  Things are beginning to pop out of the ground.  I think it's way too early and hope they don't get bitten by frost.  It's supposed to be considerably colder next week.  Crazy weather!