Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Planning for the future!

Doug and I have decided it's time to downsize and we put the house up for sale this week.  It was a very difficult decision but we just knew it was time.  The house itself is a lot to maintain but the yard is a LOT of work.  I have always loved working in the yard and flowers, but I just can't hold out to do it like I used to.  We  have an acre of property.  That doesn't sound like much but when you're mowing it, trimming, etc., it's a lot.  We especially want to get away from the stairs going to the bonus room.  Twenty years ago stairs weren't a concern, but our needs have changed as we have gotten older.  Also the apartment is rarely used these days, only slept in two nights last year.  It's also something to maintain and clean.  The thought of moving is very bittersweet and sometimes I wonder if we're doing the right thing.  I'm praying about it and if it's meant to work out, the Lord will work it out.  At worst, we'll stay right here!

We have made an offer, which has been accepted, on another house very close to Ben.  It is less than a year old.  Sadly a couple bought it, lived there less than six months, and are now divorcing.  Our offer was pending selling ours so we will see how that goes.  I am hoping for a quick sale here as once we made this decision, we just want to move along and get settled somewhere else.  Doug will have to build a shop at the new place, but a much smaller one.  He spends less and less time in the shop, spending more time on the computer or watching Netflix!

Change is always hard, especially such a big change, but there comes a time when you just know it's time.  I would appreciate your prayers for us as we move along on this new journey.  It's just another phase of our life.  I am not afraid of the future and look forward to whatever lies ahead.

I just hate having to keep this place clean!!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Catching up!

It's been a while since I posted...mainly because not much has been going on around here.  It's been rainy and dreary most of January so far with a few sunny days thrown in which I really appreciate!  We've been cleaning out  and purging stuff.  Boy, do we have stuff!

I found an old afghan my mother made many years ago.  She used to crochet a lot and made lots of afghans.  This one was probably made from scraps of other afghans.  I thought Emma Taylor might like to have it.  You never know with teenagers but she was happy to get it.  I think my mother would be pleased that she has it.

We celebrated Harrison's 13th birthday on Friday night with dinner at D'Casa, his choice.  We went back to Heather's house for cake.  Yummy strawberry cake!

I'm having a hard time believing he's 13!

Friday was also Parker and Julianne's birthday.  How funny that three in the same family share a  birthday!  Hope they enjoyed their birthday as well.

We had a full house yesterday when Karen, Courtney's family, Kaydee's family and Ben and Cam were here.  We all met for lunch first, including Heather and Emma Taylor, then Courtney, Matt, Duncan, Kaydee, Justin, Luke and Cameron all went to a big Quest dinosaur exhibit in town.  Karen and I stayed home with Darby and Allie Ruth.  We had a nice visit and enjoyed having the girls to ourselves for a little while.  They are both just precious!

Ben and Luke at the dinosaur exhibit.

Darby loves to dress up as a princess, which she clearly is!

Cam wanted to hold Allie Ruth.

Duncan and Allie Ruth.

It was a fun day for all of us!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year's Eve Formal

Sam, Emma Taylor and Bowen went to the New Year's Eve formal this year.  Heather said they all had a great time.

It was a girls ask guys dance but since Sam is dating a girl who goes to Saltillo High School, he asked her to go with him.  They looked awfully fancy!

Bowen was asked by a girl but no pictures of them together.  Just one of him with Emma Taylor before they left.

They look very fancy too and so grown up!

Emma Taylor didn't ask anyone but went with some friends.  She looked so pretty and sparkly!

Love her shoes!

So much easier to get pictures of girls.  Much more cooperative!

I have spent the day cleaning baseboards in my bathroom.  What a not-fun job!  My plan is this year to clean out and get rid of things.  Need to start in my closet!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Christmas Brunch

Happy New Year!  Hope 2019 is a very good year for all of us!  We went to some friends' house for a get together last night.  I hesitate to call it a "party" as all we do is eat, then split up into two rooms while the men talk cars and the women just talk.  We have a good time though and there was lots of good food including homemade banana pudding...the old fashioned kind that you cook on the stove with meringue on top like mama used to make.  It was still a bit warm, just like I like it!

Our annual Christmas brunch is once again in the books.  We had a great time with our growing family.  We seem to add one or two each year.  It's crowded but we manage to find a seat for everyone.

Two sleepyheads...Allie Ruth and Papa.

Kaydee and Darby.

Heather got her turn to hold Allie Ruth.

Courtney and Duncan.

Heather's family.

Kaydee's family.

Courtney's family.

Karen and the girls.

Morgan and Darby.

Ben and Cam.

We rarely get our picture taken but managed to get one.

Morgan and Tyler.  They will be married sometime this year.

Kaydee gets her turn with Allie Ruth.

Heather and Randy.

It's a full house!

Sweet little Duncan.

My turn!

Karen and her baby!

Sisters Morgan and Paige.

Kaydee and Cam.

Cam trying to teach Aunt Karen and Paige how to "floss."

Sam's turn!

Darby enjoyed being outside.

Getting to be quite a big group!

But we love it!

Ben looks totally embarrassed!

Wishing you good health and happiness in the coming year!