Thursday, June 30, 2016

Bowling Fun!

The boys spent the night with me last week and Harrison said he thought he might like to go bowling.  Harrison rarely asks for anything so I thought bowling sounded fun and a good way to stay cool on another hot day!

It was fun to watch them having so much fun!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Please pray for Jordy!

Our friends, Bob and Linda Pushee, have a grandson who has been battling leukemia for two years.  He's only 4 years old.  He has such a sweet little family with a brother and another brother on the way.  They have sent Jordy home from the hospital to be with his family.

Please send prayers for this family.  These next few weeks will be difficult and life-changing weeks.  There is so much love there and I know that will carry them through. 

I'm so glad for praying friends!  Love you all!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Missing my boys!

Last week was such a fun week with the boys too.  I spent a lot of time with them.  It's been so hot but we found places to cool off like House of Bounce in Saltillo. 

It is a huge building that I think used to be a factory of some sort.  There are all kinds of bouncy things in there plus this glow-in-the-dark putt-putt golf course.

They loved this and they had the whole course to themselves. 

They spent most of their time in what was called the Play House.

They spent lots of time in this!

There were several blow ups there too.

There was a snack bar and lots of seating where I could still see the boys.

We spent 2-1/2 hours there and the boys could have stayed longer!  It only cost $5 per child and they could stay as long as they wanted.  It was an extra $6 per child for the putt-putt golf.  I thought it was very reasonable.  It was money well spent on a hot day though!

Monday, June 27, 2016

More birthday celebration!

Emma Taylor and I started off her birthday morning on Friday with a pedicure.

That girl loves some pampering!  I love the flowers they painted on her big toes!

Starbucks is almost right next door so we treated ourselves to drinks and a warm chocolate croissant!

As luck would have it, Emma Taylor didn't like the dark chocolate in the croissant so I HAD to eat the whole thing!

I sure enjoy spending time with this sweet girl!!

She and Heather went to see Me Before You that afternoon.  It was her first PG13 movie.  They both enjoyed it and thought it was a good choice for her first PG13.  I saw it last week and enjoyed it too.  A little sad though!

My new door hanging.

I saw this on Kaydee's neighbor's door when I was there last week and loved it.  Her neighbor's mother was at Luke's birthday party and she told me where to order it.  I ordered it on Sunday, it was shipped on Monday and by Wednesday it was hanging on my door...pretty good service!  I'm hoping to paint the door and shutters a dark charcoal or black this fall.  It's still too hot to do anything outside!

Doug made it home last night after being gone for a week and a half.  I got so much accomplished while he was gone but it's good to have him back.

It's going to be a quiet week around here though.  Emma Taylor and Harrison are with their dad for a week and Cameron is with his mother this week.  His mom moved to Hartselle, Alabama which is about two hours from us.  She isn't working now so she has a few days to spend with Cameron. 

I got my picture project all finished and all loose pictures were put into labeled folders and into large plastic tubs.  It was a big project but I'm happy to have it done and it was fun going through all those old pictures and reliving the memories!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Emma Taylor is a teenager!!

It is SO hard to believe that this sweet girl is a teenager today!

Oh my goodness...where did time go??

We celebrated on Wednesday with dinner at Mt. Fuji.

Ben is her favorite uncle.  At least that's what he thinks!

That's Randy's sister Lara and Randy's youngest son Bowen.  His son Sam was on a beach trip with a friend.

That's Randy's mother Becky and his step-father Bill.  Good people!

Emma Taylor and Heather shared some sushi!  Not my kind of food!

A birthday dessert and sparklers!

Doug was out of town so he missed the celebration but it was a wonderful time!

Today I have a breakfast date with the princess and then a pedicure for one more birthday celebration.  She wants Heather to take her to a PG13 movie this afternoon now that she's 13!  What a birthday request!

I hope she has a most memorable birthday! 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Invention Camp

Harrison went to a day camp in Oxford last week.  He said it was really cool.

He said they took things apart and made other things out of them.  That's about as much detail as I could get out of him! 

He enjoyed it anyway and that's all that matters!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Catching up again!

I seem to get sidetracked so quickly.  I've had a lot of projects going on since Doug left which have kept me busy...that, plus entertaining grandkids, which is a lot more fun!

I am very pleased with how my dining room chairs turned out.  I finished up all 10 yesterday.

They're not perfect but good enough and I sure am glad they are done!

I finished another project that I started a couple of weeks ago...repainting my bar stools.  This is what they looked like before.

These were cheap barstools I picked up at Ross I think but they were made by a real furniture company that is well known (but I can't think of it right now!).  They are very sturdy and have served us well for years.  Since painting the island, I decided to give them a different look.

I should have tidied up my kitchen before taking this picture!  So two projects down...yeah!!

Another project that I started...

Picture organization.  I haven't gotten very far on that one.  I can do that while I watch TV but so far haven't done it. 

Cameron and I went to see Finding Dory yesterday.

It was a cute movie and we both enjoyed it.  It was a good thing to do on a hot afternoon.  This heat is killing me!

Then they played each other's team in a baseball game last night.  Thankfully it was a 7:30 game and while I wouldn't say it was cool, at least the sun wasn't beating down on us.

The boys were still friendly after the game!  Even Ben wasn't too upset by their loss.

A busy day indeed!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day

Doug was still in Zion on Father's Day but I celebrated with these two! 

We went to church and then to lunch.

A shirt and a funny card from Cameron.

I spent the rest of day relaxing.  I hope that's what Ben did too.  He certainly deserves it!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Recovering Dining Room Chairs

When Doug is gone, I get all kinds of projects done.  There's just something about knowing I don't have to stop what I'm doing when I'm on a roll!

Today one of my projects was getting started on recovering my dining room chairs.  Here's what they looked like before.

This look served me well but then I changed the drapes and painted the walls so I wanted to go with something different, more neutral.  This fabric still looks brand new but it's been on these chairs for at least 13 years!

This is the new look.

I only got one finished as I had to wait for Ben to bring the electric staple gun over.  That makes it so much easier! 

I love the new fabric and at $9.95 a yard, it was quite a bargain!

One down and nine more to go!