Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Courtney's Shower

A bridal shower for Courtney was held Sunday afternoon at Karen's church in Red Bay.  The morning started off with a wonderful worship service at the church with all of Karen's sisters there, a niece, all four of her girls, and her precious grandson.  Pat's husband Dave and Courtney's fiancée Matt were also there.  Karen's husband Ronald lead the music.  Ronald had asked what Mother's favorite songs were and we sang them during the service.  Mother would have loved it!  One of her favorites was What a Friend We Have in Jesus and another was When We All Get to Heaven which we sang.  It really brought back a lot of memories of our mother. 

Karen had prepared a "Thanksgiving" dinner for us with chicken and dressing and all the fixings which we enjoyed after church.  Pat and Dave won't be able to be here for Thanksgiving so we celebrated it a little early.  Everything was delicious!

Karen's church is pretty new.  The old one was bought by the State due to highway construction.  It's a beautiful church and a wonderful fellowship hall where the shower was held.

Isn't that a great kitchen?

Such a beautiful cake!  The "C" stands for Channel which will be her new last name...like Coco Channel.  Unfortunately no relation!

Everything was beautiful!  I loved the table decorations.

The food was delicious and plentiful!  Too bad we'd eaten such a big lunch!!

The beautiful bride-to-be!

Courtney and Karen.

And with her sisters.

With the hostesses.

She got lots of beautiful and very useful gifts.  There were four tables full!

Luke really enjoyed the shower and was such an angel!

Carolyn and Kathy.

Karen and her family.

The entire family that was in attendance. 

It was a very special family day!

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