Thursday, April 21, 2016

Emma Taylor's Archery Banquet

Heather and Emma Taylor went to Emma Taylor's archery banquet on Tuesday evening.  Emma Taylor had a really great year in archery and seemed to improve greatly at each competition.  The entire team did very well in the State competition and I think came in second in the state. 

Heather snapped this picture just before they headed to the banquet.

She looks so old...hard to believe she'll be 13 in June!
She received a medal from her coach, Mrs. Conwill.

Emma Taylor and good friend Lee Ellen who was also on the team.
I hope she continues to enjoy archery!  It seems to be a very good sport for her.

The floor was finished yesterday and the carpenters should be here this morning to put the trim back around and finish up a few things.  They were supposed to be here at 7:30.  It's now 8:15 and they aren't here.  This is what's so frustrating!  Hopefully by the weekend they will be completely finished.  The floor looks great and I couldn't be happier with it!

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