Friday, April 15, 2016

One step forward, two steps back!

When the installers left yesterday my floor looked like this.

Unfortunately the installer put the old refrigerator back into its place and hooked up the ice maker again, which was the culprit of the flooding to begin with!

Within a couple of hours there was water coming out from under the refrigerator and when we stepped on the boards nearby, the glue was coming out between the cracks!  Dang...can't I catch a break??

They are back this morning taking up the floor where the water got under it.  This will set them back a bit.  I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to make it through this project!! 

Happy birthday to my great nephew Corbin!  He turns 2 today.  He lives in Honolulu while his dad is in the military so I don't get to see him.  They will be moving back to Alabama later this year and we are looking forward to seeing them again!

Happy weekend!

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