Monday, November 16, 2015

Moving is hard work!

We have moved Heather and the kids for the last three days.  We're making a final sweep of the old house today, then we should be totally finished! 

Heather had to work on Friday but this is what we did while she was working.  We loaded hundreds of boxes!

And drove them to the new house to be unloaded.

She had her work cut out for her when she came home on Friday! 

Saturday morning we took a break to go to Cameron's football game...more on that...then back to work.

We hired Two Men and a Truck and they did a great job getting everything moved. 

By the time we left yesterday, the new house was looking good and like home.  Doug hung several things on the walls and that makes all the difference.  I think they are all ready to be settled again!

The Mighty Mights won their division championship and played their Super Bowl Saturday morning.  It was a heartbreaking loss for them but they had a great season.  Cameron is #3 in the center.

So proud of those boys!

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