Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas stuff!

More baking this weekend and I had a little help in the kitchen!

I just used the recipe on the back of the baking mini M&Ms.  They are good, though I prefer regular chocolate chip cookies. 

I also made microwave carmels.  They only take 6 minutes...easy!

Last year I made delicious carmels by a recipe my friend Sherry gave me that were cooked on the stove.  They were perfect!  This year I made a pan of them and they never quite set up.  I was so disappointed as they are better than these microwave carmels.  Still...the microwave carmels are good.

Cameron wrapped his dad's gift and did a great job.

Emma Taylor and Harrison spent the afternoon with us yesterday while Heather worked.  I don't know if I mentioned that Heather is working at Academy Sports in addition to her subbing job.  School is out now so she will not be subbing but is putting in a lot of hours at Academy.

They were counting their gifts and checking them out.

Emma Taylor wants to bake Spritz cookies this afternoon.  They love the cookie press!

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