Thursday, December 17, 2015

Pecan brittle and pajama day!

I spent the entire day yesterday making 11 batches of pecan brittle.

I sent half of it to work with Ben and also spicy pretzels.  I did this years ago and now they have come to expect it.  Lesson learned!  They seem to enjoy it so I guess I'll keep doing it.

Today was pajama day for Cameron at school.

His mom bought him these footie pajamas and he was so proud to wear them.  He was very excited when he left for school this morning!  It was also his class party so he'll be high on sugar when he comes home this afternoon!


  1. The brittle looks so good. Wish I lived close.

  2. Sweet boy!
    I may have to message you when I start making my brittle...I use your recipe and sometimes it is fluffier than other times and sometimes thinner. I like it thicker and fluffier and can't figure out if I'm cooking too long or too little. We were given several bags of pecans, so hoping to make a lot.

  3. If we were closer, I'd share my free pecans :(
