Friday, August 19, 2016

Six Flags

It's Friday!  Looking forward to the weekend when I get to spend some time with Harrison and Cameron.  I haven't seen much of them since school started and I miss them!

On the second day of our trip to Illinois, we were back at Six Flags but this time we were doing the park.  It was a beautiful day.  We got there when the park opened...and stayed 'til the park closed.

Amy's an old pro at Six Flags and knows exactly what to do.  A new ride was added this year, Battle of Metropolis.  It was at the back of the park so we headed there first to avoid long lines later in the day.  Will and Preston rode this later in the day and there was a 2-hour wait!

All of us rode this ride and it was super fun!

Emma Taylor and Hanna on the Ricochet.  The kids rode that several times.

Bumper cars.

Big Easy Balloons.

We saw a parade.

And stopped for funnel cakes.

You have to have funnel cakes when you go to Six Flags!

One of the roller coasters.  It was hard to get pictures of everyone as we split up and went our own ways sometimes, meeting back later.

Pat, Claire, Lisa, Parker and I rode the train.

 And we rode the Carousel.

And one of my favorites...

A little refreshment!

Everyone agreed it was a  very fun day!

Time to go home!

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