Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Awards Day and end of school

Emma Taylor's Awards Day was Monday.  She received an award for all A's in 7th grade.

So very proud of her.  That's quite an accomplishment!

She drew this beautiful picture and gave it to me for Mother's Day.

She's very artistic too!

Cameron's field day was yesterday.  He's all packed and ready to go.

He's got a bunch of different balls, sunscreen, and a beach towel in his backpack and loads of water and Gatorade in his lunch box.  He had a very fun day!

Yesterday was their last day of school.  This is Harrison running to the car on his last day.  He was happy to be finished!

And here's Cameron this morning...having a lazy morning on his first day out of school.

Pop Tart in hand and juice and grapes.  He's engrossed in something on TV. 

Harrison is over now playing outside with him and Trip. Cameron got his dog back from his mom and he is delighted to be spending time with him.

He's such a good dog and a great watch dog!

Ben took the boys to a cheesy carnival on the mall parking lot on Monday night.

Thought this was such a cute picture.  They are getting psyched up for our trip to Illinois and Six Flags this summer! 

Since Heather is getting married and vacating her (actually our!) house, Ben will be moving into it.  I know he and Cameron are ready to have a bigger place and a place of their own.  It will be quite a change for us but I'm sure we will still see them lots!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like everything is setting up for a fun and relaxing summer for you!!
