Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Busy summer days!

Now that school is out, the days seems to be going even faster! 

I took the boys to see Angry Birds last Friday.  They really enjoyed the movie and the popcorn!  There's just something about movie popcorn!

We've been spending a lot of time at the ball field. 

Cameron's pitching in this picture.

Pitching always makes me nervous! 

Harrison also had a game last night but the times conflicted so we went to Cameron's game last night and will go to Harrison's game tonight.

After the game last night, some of the players and families went out for pizza.

Doug and I were at the same restaurant but decided to sit on the other side of the restaurant as far away from noisy boys as possible!

Heather is busy packing.  I went by her house today and she and Randy had her car and a Suburban loaded up.  They are getting married tomorrow and hope to have her all moved into his house next weekend.  They are also having some work done on Randy's house (now their house) so they are very busy.

Ben is anxious to get moved into her old house.  He has been busy doing some work on it.  He built some shutters and installed them last weekend and restained the front door.  He also put new mulch out.  Here's the before and after.

Looks so much better!  I hope he continues to make improvements when he moves in!


  1. Wow, that looks great! Happy for all the kids!

  2. Love what Ben has done with the house!! It was a cute house the first time I saw it, but it looks great with Ben's work!!!
