Thursday, May 5, 2016

What's blooming

I am totally exhausted but my house is pretty much back in order.  I am so glad that's over and I can get back to my life again!

The yard man came and mulched everything yesterday. 

Fresh mulch makes the plants look so much prettier.  He freshened up the pine straw last week.

So many things are blooming in the yard.

Snowball bush, clematis and knockout roses. 

I hope to enjoy the rest of our spring!

Cameron's great grandfather passed away yesterday morning.  He was Lori's grandfather and they were all very close to him.  He was a really good man and I know Cameron will miss him.  Cameron had seen him at the hospital the night before he passed away and even though his great grandfather didn't know they were there, at least the boys got to see him one last time.  Please keep them in your prayers.

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