Friday, June 24, 2016

Emma Taylor is a teenager!!

It is SO hard to believe that this sweet girl is a teenager today!

Oh my goodness...where did time go??

We celebrated on Wednesday with dinner at Mt. Fuji.

Ben is her favorite uncle.  At least that's what he thinks!

That's Randy's sister Lara and Randy's youngest son Bowen.  His son Sam was on a beach trip with a friend.

That's Randy's mother Becky and his step-father Bill.  Good people!

Emma Taylor and Heather shared some sushi!  Not my kind of food!

A birthday dessert and sparklers!

Doug was out of town so he missed the celebration but it was a wonderful time!

Today I have a breakfast date with the princess and then a pedicure for one more birthday celebration.  She wants Heather to take her to a PG13 movie this afternoon now that she's 13!  What a birthday request!

I hope she has a most memorable birthday! 

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