Monday, June 27, 2016

More birthday celebration!

Emma Taylor and I started off her birthday morning on Friday with a pedicure.

That girl loves some pampering!  I love the flowers they painted on her big toes!

Starbucks is almost right next door so we treated ourselves to drinks and a warm chocolate croissant!

As luck would have it, Emma Taylor didn't like the dark chocolate in the croissant so I HAD to eat the whole thing!

I sure enjoy spending time with this sweet girl!!

She and Heather went to see Me Before You that afternoon.  It was her first PG13 movie.  They both enjoyed it and thought it was a good choice for her first PG13.  I saw it last week and enjoyed it too.  A little sad though!

My new door hanging.

I saw this on Kaydee's neighbor's door when I was there last week and loved it.  Her neighbor's mother was at Luke's birthday party and she told me where to order it.  I ordered it on Sunday, it was shipped on Monday and by Wednesday it was hanging on my door...pretty good service!  I'm hoping to paint the door and shutters a dark charcoal or black this fall.  It's still too hot to do anything outside!

Doug made it home last night after being gone for a week and a half.  I got so much accomplished while he was gone but it's good to have him back.

It's going to be a quiet week around here though.  Emma Taylor and Harrison are with their dad for a week and Cameron is with his mother this week.  His mom moved to Hartselle, Alabama which is about two hours from us.  She isn't working now so she has a few days to spend with Cameron. 

I got my picture project all finished and all loose pictures were put into labeled folders and into large plastic tubs.  It was a big project but I'm happy to have it done and it was fun going through all those old pictures and reliving the memories!

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