Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Catching up again!

I seem to get sidetracked so quickly.  I've had a lot of projects going on since Doug left which have kept me busy...that, plus entertaining grandkids, which is a lot more fun!

I am very pleased with how my dining room chairs turned out.  I finished up all 10 yesterday.

They're not perfect but good enough and I sure am glad they are done!

I finished another project that I started a couple of weeks ago...repainting my bar stools.  This is what they looked like before.

These were cheap barstools I picked up at Ross I think but they were made by a real furniture company that is well known (but I can't think of it right now!).  They are very sturdy and have served us well for years.  Since painting the island, I decided to give them a different look.

I should have tidied up my kitchen before taking this picture!  So two projects down...yeah!!

Another project that I started...

Picture organization.  I haven't gotten very far on that one.  I can do that while I watch TV but so far haven't done it. 

Cameron and I went to see Finding Dory yesterday.

It was a cute movie and we both enjoyed it.  It was a good thing to do on a hot afternoon.  This heat is killing me!

Then they played each other's team in a baseball game last night.  Thankfully it was a 7:30 game and while I wouldn't say it was cool, at least the sun wasn't beating down on us.

The boys were still friendly after the game!  Even Ben wasn't too upset by their loss.

A busy day indeed!

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