Friday, June 10, 2016

RIP Sweet Bullet!

Our precious Bullet passed away this morning.  It's been a very sad day to say the least.

He was sick and throwing up all day yesterday.  Doug called the vet and I picked up some medication for nausea.  Severe diarrhea started which turned into pure blood.  I knew he wasn't going to last long or we would have to have him put down.  Doug was away at the drag strip in Memphis and didn't get home until 10:30.  I told him then that Bullet was very sick...I had never seen him so sick.  He could hardly walk and I was carrying him from place to place 

Doug decided to sleep in the shop with him in case he had more accidents.  Doug said he passed away quietly at about 3:00 this morning. 

Bullet had been sick for quite some time.  He had Cushings disease which humans can get also.  He had been on medication for it for years.  As he got older, his symptoms progressed so we knew his death would be forthcoming.  We are never ready though, just like with humans.  He also had to have one of his eyes removed a while back and the eyesight in the other eye was diminishing.  He just had a lot of issues.

While we both know it's for the best, we've had a very sad and emotional day. 

RIP sweet Bullet!

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